经 济 学家 econom ist
企业家 entrepreneur
经济全球化 economic globalization
区域性自由贸区 regional free trade area
经济特区 special economic zone
计划经济 planned economy
市场经济 market economy
市场调节 market regulation
市场多元化 market diversification
推动经贸合作 to boost economic and trade cooperation
商界 business communities
互惠互利 mutual benefit
共同繁荣 common prosperity
总需求 aggregate/total demand
总供给 aggregate supply
供过于求 supply exceeding demand
扩 大内需 to expand domestic demand
购买力 purchasing power
团购 group buying
财政预算 financial budget
耐用消费品 durable consumer goods
年末促销 year-end promotion
垄断 monopoly
垄断行业 monopoly industry
市场占有率 market share
生产力,生产率 productivity
经济增长放缓 economic slowdown
国有企业 state-owned enterprises (SOEs)
集体企业 collectively-owned (partnership) enterprises
私营企业 private businesses
民营企业 privately-run businesses
中小企业 small and medium-sized enterprises
民间资本 private capital
民间投资 private investment
泡沫经济 bubble economy
经济过热 overheating of economy
通货膨胀 inflation
实体经济 the real economy
外汇储备充足 sufficient foreign exchange reserve
国内/国际贸易 domestic/international trade
对外贸易 foreign trade
贸易条件 terms of trade
不公平竞争 unfair competition
海关 customs
关税 customs duty
水货,走私货 smuggled goods
产品质量 product quality
高度评价 to speak highly of
物美价廉 competitive price and superior quality
销置,销售额 sales
存货,库存量 stocks
金融组织 financial institution
商业信誉 commercial reputation
管理机制 management mechanism
改善服务 to improve services
延长保修期 to extend maintenance
制造商,制造厂 manufacturer
原材料 raw material
样品 sample
大规模生产 mass production
年产量 annual output
劳动力密集型产业 labour intensive industry
知识密集型产业 knowledge intensive industry
工作歧视 discrimination in workplace
高消耗、高投入 high consumption, high investment
沿袭……模式 to continue with the model of …
住房抵押贷款 residential mortgage loan
分期付款 to pay by installment
信贷紧缩 credit squeeze
取钱 to withdraw money
利率 interest rate
找工作 to hunt for a job; job hunting
招聘广告 the want ads
职位 position; post; job vacancy/opening
求职信 application letter
工作简历 job resume; CV
填写申请表 to fill in/out application form
接受职位 to accept/take the post
接任职位 to take over the position
工作面试 job interview
职业前景 job prospects
就业机会 job opportunity
工资待遇 pay offer
津贴 allowance
带薪假 paid vacation
伤残保险 disability insurance
失业保险 unemployment insurance
培训咨询 training consultancy
专业技能 professional expertise
脑力劳动 mental work
体力劳动 labour/physical work
手工劳动 manual labour/work
工作时间 working time
加班 overtime
夜班 night shift
零工 odd job
证券 securities
汇率 exchange rate
股票 stock
以上就是本篇文章【英语四六级翻译11类主题词汇(六):商业经济】的全部内容了,欢迎阅览 ! 文章地址:http://mdekt.bhha.com.cn/news/350.html 资讯 企业新闻 行情 企业黄页 同类资讯 首页 网站地图 返回首页 康宝晨资讯移动站 http://weazh.bhha.com.cn/ , 查看更多